
“Change the Patterns, Break the Cycle” of those things not beneficial for ourselves, and fill ourselves with body, heart and soul nutrients that are healthier and more fulfilling for our total well-being.

Tasty Tuesday's

Tasty Tuesday's

Monday, March 23, 2015

True Health/Wellness

True Wellness is a balance of our Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Relational and Career Path well-being.

Making necessary changes to bring each area of our lives into balance aides us in living our lives more healthily and fully (as God intended - "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future)

Eagles Wings from Ocean Breeze was a ministry originally created for those walking through the deepest of valleys of this life, in the hopes of finding once again, hope and healing. Although It’s been several years since the site was created and began as a ministry to those who were deeply hurting, looking for healing and/or answers, what I have come to understand is that complete "Health and Wellness" must encompass "ALL" areas of our lives.

We need to change those things that keep us from living a healthier fuller life. From what we place inside our physical bodies, the foods we eat etc., to what we bring in and how we nourish our souls, emotions and relations with others.

Throughout this life there will be highs and lows. During those low & high points, we look for comfort ... a kindred spirit, an understanding heart and we long for and look to those things that bring us a tranquility, a familiarity, and the love we need back into focus.

What we put into our bodies has a major effect on our health and well-being. Eating healthier and bringing more activity and exercise into our daily lives contributes to healthier physical bodies. But it doesn’t stop there. Our spiritual, emotional and relational well-being all have contributing factors (along with career choices) towards a more balanced, more fulfilled, healthier lifestyle.

True Health and Wellness encompasses all areas of our lives. The balance of all these areas resonates deeply within me as I truly believe true health and wellness must encompass all these areas, not just one or a quick fix band aid. These changes we make are a lifelong walk. “Change the Patterns, Break the Cycle” of those things not beneficial for ourselves, and fill ourselves with body, heart and soul nutrients that are healthier and more fulfilling for our total well-being.

It's time to make those changes necessary for our health and well-being, applying everything I’ve learned and am currently learning to my own life and paying it forward to help those of you who are walking through your struggles, encouraging and supporting to make the changes in each of our lives for a healthier, fuller more enjoyable life!

One step at a time, one life at a time!

Join me in this journey and together we can begin to take our "New Flight" on Eagles Wings From Ocean Breeze and find our pathway for balance to the life we were meant to live ... from deepening our spiritual walk, to the foods we eat, adding activity into our daily lives, enlightening and strengthening our emotional and relational ties and bringing more of the people and things into our lives that are fulfilling and give us purpose.

A fuller, more rounded life, based in faith and nutrition and things that bring those "moments" into our life that make up our lives.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
But by the moments that take our breath away ~~~

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