
“Change the Patterns, Break the Cycle” of those things not beneficial for ourselves, and fill ourselves with body, heart and soul nutrients that are healthier and more fulfilling for our total well-being.

Tasty Tuesday's

Tasty Tuesday's

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Changing Patterns:Breaking Cycles

Changing patterns and breaking cycles isn’t always easy. We tend to fall back on what we know … what is comfortable, even if it isn’t really working for us. But change is necessary to live a fuller, healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle. It can be daunting at times, yet the good news is, not everything needs to be changed at once! It’s actually better to make small changes one or two at a time. Living healthier; spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally is a lifestyle change, it takes time. Although a quick fix or a band aid might seem like a good thing, it rarely is … quick fixes don’t stick. It takes time to make permanent changes and we’re in this for the long haul … right?

I started my “new” journey in January along with the New Year. Over a decade ago, after a long debilitating journey with Lyme disease, affecting so many areas of my physical body, (along with the other areas also): pain, inflammation, anxiety attacks and weight gain due to issues from the disease affecting my metabolism, I was determined to get healthier during and after treatment. It took a long time, there were no quick fixes. I was on treatment for 3 ½ years after over 10 years of trying to figure out what was wrong. I began making very small changes. It started with prescribed physical therapy and very slowly over the next 2 years added changes until I was healthier. I lost 67 lbs., was very active, cardio 6 x a week, 90 minutes a shot, light weight training 2 and 3 x a week, eating healthier, drinking more water, and was at a very good relationship in my Christian roots.

About 5 years ago things began to change, I’ll brief you on the changes so you can see I did begin once again from a place many of you are at now … although my spiritual journey was intact, starting a ministry for those who are hurting and looking for hope and healing, other areas were not where they needed to be …

It began with ongoing on again off again relational issues with significant other, loss of job from newer management change, parent becoming ill and coming to live with me for four months & getting them healthy, chronic Lyme becoming more active and painful (inflammation) again, starting a new job, being on the road for that position 3 to 5 hours a day travel time, another new job better suited and much mess travel time, our home damaged by the flood of Irene, living out of the home 7 months until it was restored, renewed and rebuilt, finally able to move back to the home, daughter and husband coming to live with me for a while, first grandson born, minor health issues with younger daughter, continued on again off again relational issues, very close friend dying unexpectedly, several close friends in crisis of their own, Mom being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and walking with her through her journey these past 2 years. There was no time for me. I was always on the run and taking care of me seemed to be very last on the list, as it usually goes. No time to exercise, eat right … although my spiritual journey was my rock, the other areas of my life weren’t anywhere near where they should be … or needed to be … With the New year approaching I knew I needed to make changes and begin to Change the patterns, Break the cycle to a healthier, fuller, more enjoyable lifestyle. And I began once again to make small changes each week, and continue to do so. I learned that for true health and wellness it is necessary for ALL areas of our lives to be in balance, not just one or two.

For me it began with bringing things I love and need back into focus in my life … (my first small, yet huge step) making myself part of my priority list. I have always had a penchant for helping others, and I am finally adding myself to that list, I also enjoy healthy eating and cooking, experimenting with recipes making them healthier and tastier, being more active, so I finally took the leap I have wanted to take for years, enrolling in school for Health Coaching, and also in a school for Christian Life Coaching, applying all I am learning to my own life and paying it forward to help others who are walking through their struggles, encouraging them to make the changes for their lives also, for a healthier, fuller, more enjoyable life! One step at a time …

Well the good news is it doesn’t have to happen all at once. We can make a few small changes each week.

For me this week, I want to start and end my day with prayer and devotions. Since we are still walking through Mom’s journey with her, time isn’t always available, so I aim for 15 minute segments, anything more is a bonus!
 I am also working on better time management. Working 50 hours a week, taking two course loads and all the other added things, I want to get a better handle on managing my time, still having time to spend with famiglia and friends.
 I’m incorporating more healthier food choices into the mix, experimenting with recipes, making them tastier and more filling.
And I am adding 15 minutes of activity to this week’s change list.

What are one or two things you want to do, or can do to begin to bring about the changes you want?
It may be something simple as adding one or two vegetables or fruits to your daily list, and/or adding drinking more water daily. Water has many benefits, it aides in keeping our body temperature normal, It helps with our joints, contributes to protecting our spinal cord and other more sensitive body tissues, and keeps us hydrated and helps eliminate wastes.

Feel free to share some of the changes you want to incorporate this week …

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