
“Change the Patterns, Break the Cycle” of those things not beneficial for ourselves, and fill ourselves with body, heart and soul nutrients that are healthier and more fulfilling for our total well-being.

Tasty Tuesday's

Tasty Tuesday's

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday's Tapestries 4/9/2015

A Tapestry is a weaving, in which “all” the threads are hidden in the completed work, much like our lives. All of those parts of our everyday lives that are woven together; our choices, occurrences, circumstances, situations,’ “intertwined" together creating change in us - leading us toward our individual and collective finished products.
Some threads are strong ... some are weaker, some color choices are more vibrant and better than others, But once the woven fabrics of our lives are brought together, the completion is who we are and what we stand for in our finished products. Bringing healthier nutrients into our body, soul and mind will only enhance our “works” in progress.

I thought the title "Thursday’s Tapestries" appropriate as a euphemism for weaving more into our lives, more of healthier choices; physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally and in our career paths. What we put into our bodies and our activity levels can change the vibrancy of our patterns, along with our spiritual journey’s for our deep rooted soul needed nutrients, our emotional, relational and career path well-being, all contribute to the patterns and fabrics in our lives.

Weaving more of the things that are beneficial for us into our daily lives and routines in all of these areas creates a more energetic, more vibrant, more enjoyable life tapestry. We take the broken threads and lackluster colors and introduce more vivid and vibrant shades and hue’s, creating a more enjoyable lifestyle product.

While we are intertwining all of the pieces together; we are creating a fuller more meaningful life each and every day to live fully in the moments. For me this begins with how I treat my physical body and what I put into it while deepening my relationship with God in my Christian deep rooted faith. Increasing and balancing my relationships and ties with loved ones, Famiglia and friends, each day. Managing stress, learning what will enhance my daily routine. While weaving the traditions and memories of my Italian heritage filled with memories and deep rooted love of the ocean, salt air and the beach ... mixing the new into the old in each of the things that are part of me and bring me love, tranquility and enjoyment.

Every road we choose, every path taken, every sure step and each faulty step, can and is used for God’s greater purpose. All our threads and color choices will create a healthier, fuller, more enjoyable lifestyle. When we make small, healthier more vibrant changes step by step, every thread used will weave the masterpiece God intended us to be … For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
But by the moments that take our breath away ~~~

Create and Fully Live those moments!

What are some threads for a healthier lifestyle can you weave into your
daily routine?

What one or two things can you add to your life this week?

FB: Eagles Wings From Ocean Breeze
Blog: eagleswingsfromoceanbreeze.blogspot.com
Website: eagleswingsfromoceanbreeze.com.

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